The most relevant books, derived from the work developer by our company are:
  • Resources for the Regional Development. The role of the Colombian Departments. Bogota, Federación Nacional de Departamentos 2010.

  • Lineaments for the Territorial Legislation in the Meta Department. Villavicencio, Gobernación del Meta – CORPES from ORINOQUIA, 1999.

  • Region and State. A Proposal for the Institutional and Financial Conformation of the Region in Colombia. Bogotá, Administrative Department, Presidency of the Republic – Presidential advisor for the Costa Atlántica – Administrative Department for the Public Function – DAFP, 1997. Reprint: Barranquilla, Publishing Foundation from Universidad de Atlántico, 1999.


The most relevant books, derived from the work developer by our company are:

  • Strengthening of the Policy and Municipal Financial Management for the towns of Santander de Quilichao, Caloto, Toribío, Corinto, Miranda, in the Cauca Department; and Florida and Pradera in the Valle Department. Bogotá, TETRATECH – ARD – Land and Rural Development Program, 2014 – 2015.

  • Review, Legal Analysis and Verification of 34.461 Property Registration Books from Rural Properties Registered in the (ORIP) Property Registration Office, to identify the Allegedly Empty Properties of the Nation that could have been Illegally Obtained through Ownership Processes from August 5th 1974 to nowadays Bogotá, TETRATECH – ARD – Land and Rural Development Program, 2015.

  • Technical assistance to strength governability spaces among the Communal Action Councils (JAC) and the local authorities in the towns of Ataco, Chaparral, Planadas and Rioblanco in the Tolima Departmento. Bogotá, December 2015.

  • Support to the territorial planning processes in Cauca, Chocó and Guajira and in 24 towns located in these departments. Bogotá, 2012. ACDI/VOCA.

  • Identification, Consensus, Formulation y Presentation of 35 Projects from Towns of Villanueva, Barranca de Upía, Monterrey, San Luis de Palenque, Restrepo y Cumaral for the Access to the Sistema General de Regalías. Bogotá, PETROMINERALES – Fundación Vichituni, 2012.

  • Final report of activities, results, learnt lessons and recommendations. USAID Program for the afro Colombians and indigenous. Bogotá ACDI/VOCA – Programa ACIP, 2015.

  • Design and Application of the Rate of Institutional Capacity for the Ethnical Attention (ICAE) that allows to measure, in a regular way, the capacity of some entities and public institutions, Either national or territorial; to understand the interests of the afro Colombians and indigenous from Colombia. Bogotá, ACDI/VOCA – USAID Program for the afro Colombians and indigenous. Bogotá D.C., 2013.

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